Help is at hand
I’ve always been a good listener and I’ve honed this ability through post graduate training in coaching and counselling at Middlesex University.
I listen to my friends, colleagues, neighbours, and clients and I hear them asking fundamental, soul-searching questions such as :
- I spend more and more time at work … “Am I really fulfilled?”
- Working from home has solved some problems and created new ones … “Do I have the right balance?”
- More screen time means less face time … “Do I have enough human contact?“
- It’s not always possible to be authentic at work … “Do I have opportunities to express my true self?“
- The boundaries between work and life are increasingly blurred … “Do I have somewhere I can step back and gain perspective?”
From this broad perspective I can see:
- Most people have these questions but few people are voicing them out loud
- Most people think nobody else has these doubts
- Recent events have amplified these uncertainties
- Leaders are not immune. Many falsely believe that voicing doubt will hamper their ability to lead
I’ve spent years as a manager and leader in the IT industry (read my story).
My speciality is transformation management. I bring long-lasting, fundamental and valuable improvement to business products and processes.
And I know first-hand that only by focusing on people first and foremost can deep and lasting transformation be achieved.
Bringing all these skills and experience together I now work one-to-one as a transformation coach. I can help you hear what your true self is trying to tell you. Together we can make a plan to transform your life in any or all of these areas:
- Meaning and purpose
- Mental health & well-being
- Relationships – at work and at home
- Career
- Work-life balance

I create a quiet reflective space, far removed from the storms of home and office where you can:
- Discover and develop your most deeply held goals and aspirations
- Grow to understand fully where you are today and, most importantly, what is holding you back
- Channel your creative mind and your concrete mind to inspire ideas and generate plans
- Enact transformational change with me as your trusted guide
- Review and calibrate
Read more about my coaching approach
Don’t just take my word for it. See what others have to say …
Next steps
- Let’s talk about you and your goals and how I can best help
- We’ll create a tailor-made plan especially suited to you and your needs